Togolese Government has adopted measures to enhance the safety and security of vessels navigating in or through the country’s territorial waters.

A vessel identification station called “TOGO NAVY” is established at Lome military naval base. This station is responsible for identifying all vessels navigating in or through Togolese territorial waters to ensure optimal control over these waters. The details of the vessel identification station are as follows: VHF: Channel 16, Channel 10 “TOGO NAVY” base.marine@yahoo.com. The Togo Navy has patrol boats and an Air Force helicopter to patrol maritime areas specifically in the safe anchorage. A berthing zone and waiting zone where 24-hour patrols by vessels belonging to the National Navy have been also established. All vessels must contact the “TOGO NAVY” identification station on VHF channel 10 prior to entering the territorial waters. In cases where the vessel has armed protection, this should be notified 48 hours in advance and all arms and weaponry should be disarmed prior to entry into territorial waters. All vessels, shipping companies, and shipping agents shall be entitled to request special protection by the State Armed Services through its Shipping Agency. All movements and manoeuvres of supply vessels towards moored vessels are prohibited at night. Each supply vessel shall be under the obligation to indicate its manoeuvres to the “TOGO NAVY” identification station.

All vessels within Togolese territorial waters are bound to: ensure permanent radiotelephonic monitoring (VHF) on the international call frequency (channel 16) and channel 10; inform the “TOGO NAVY” identification station, by all means at its disposal, of any incident or accident which may compromise the safety of persons, the vessel or its navigation, and more generally of any situation likely to lead to pollution of the waters and coastline; ensure compliance with injunctions issued by the shipping and maritime authorities and to respond to any request for information issued by the Togolese authorities. Vessels in Togolese territorial waters are obliged to comply with the following provisions: ensure the AIS emitter is continuously activated; indicate the presence of any vessel navigating within a distance of less than 222 metres; have a Shipping Agency; issue prior information to the Shipping Agency and the “TOGO NAVY” identification station prior to any operations being undertaken (transhipment or resupply) with other vessels; inform the “TOGO NAVY” identification station of departure from the mooring point two hours prior to unberthing. All vessels shall be under the obligation to preferably anchor in the berthing zone or waiting zone where supervision and patrols are undertaken permanently.

We strongly recommend that you thoroughly read through this very important bulletin. Your impending call at Togo refers: while looking forward to receiving you, please find herewith

Lomé-Togo pre-Arrival Information:



(Dedicated area for ops)


(Dedicated area for vessels going to jetty)



06° 05.000N




06° 08.000N

001° 25.000E



05° 56.000N

001° 13.000E



06° 03.00E

001° 27.000E



06° 01.000N

001° 21.000E



06° 04.000N




06° 07.000N




06° 09.000N

001° 29.000E

  1. It is customary you report your arrival to the port control after End of sea passage onChannel 10/14, except we specifically ask you not to do so, if we foresee any security  At the same time open up communication with us on VHF Channel 10 for further instructions. Furthermore, upon arrival and tendering NOR, you are to wait for discharge/loading program which will be advised by receivers/suppliers. You will be promptly notified as soon as they decide.
  2. Kindly urgently forward to us by fax or e-mail the following documents to enable usprocess your berthing clearance: – (a).Crew list, (b).Stowage Plan, (c).Sip’s Particulars, (d).Port of Call list, (e). Nil List, (f).Bonded stores, (g).Clearance from the Last Port of Call (Original Copy), (h).Vaccination List, (I) Narcotics list or Medicine list, (j) On/Off Signers, list if any, (k) Cargo manifest, (L) Cargo discharge 
  3. Agent together with Customs, Immigration and port Health Officials will board yourvessel where alongside at the Lome Port-Oil jetty (Oil Berth).
  4. Ourcompany policy is not to give gratifications to authorities and masters should  Where difficulties are experienced, our boarding officer will assist as much as possible.
  5. Ship’smail will be sent directly to your owners via recognized courier 
  6. While at the anchorage, please do not allow any personnel onboard your vessel withoutclearing on your office of his 
  7. Allship chandler services are to be channeled through us. Dealing directly with persons not expressly recommended by us will be at your entire risk and 
  8. Kindly note that port state Surveyors may wish to pay your vessel an official routine visitwhilst alongside. You are advised to pleased give them your maximum cooperation and minimize as much as possible their waiting 
  9. Foroffshore operations, vessels must contact the  Togo navy for green-light.
  10. All vessels calling at Lome anchorage are subjected to an anchorage tax of Euro 2,749 or CFA equivalent for indivisible stay of 14 days including agency fee.

SECURITY: Togo Port are level 1 ISPS code compliant. On berthing, Port Facility Security personnel will board your good vessel and exchange questions and answers with Master as well as present a form for Master to complete. Your co-operation is highly required. While at offshore however, we advise you to stay within the security field which has been delineated at lome anchorage. (As per attached AREAS DEDECATED FOR STS OPS AND BERTHING VESSELS.) Thanks in advance for your kind co-operation.

Please be guided accordingly. DOWNLOAD PORT-REGULATION-LOME

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